To vlog or not to vlog, insecurities arise
Hmm title sounds like a sequel isnt? well days ago i have been considering investing in a digital camera (kodak easyshare m863) as it can also record HD video so may be good for vloging in sites such as YouTube. I have quite good ideas for videos and why not i know i am talented when it comes to imagine and write stuff even in the spur of the moment (like comebacks to people) but my biggest insecurity is im fat, yeah... im fat. Im not ugly, i have been told by womens im good looking and i have a good bearing (not sure i used the right word) but yeah im fat, not that i havent tried to lose weight.. SHUT UP! xD But yeah cant say my skin is so thick when it comes to my weight, one of the main reasons why i avoided posting my picture on the forums i was Game Master, had enough with morons ignoring i was fat to worsen that for me, specially when people ignore why i gained all this weight (i wasnt fat as a teenager nor as a kid) so no thanks. Hmm i dont know, probably i will or may not... i ...